About valuation

There are several reasons to make a valuation of your items. You are welcome to contact us, whether you want to sell an entire home, a collection, a single item or just stay up to date on the value of your items.

To be able to help you in the best possible way, we offer you a number of free valuation options, to make the valuation as simple as possible.

We regularly visit the whole of Östergötland and the rest of Central Sweden. This applies whether you need help selling an entire home or individual items.

Visit us

In our premises at Linnégatan 21 in Norrköping, you can meet us for personal help and advice before a possible sale. You can either bring your items directly or start with pictures depending on what suits you best.

Our opening hours are Monday-Friday from 12:30 to 17:00. For visits in addition to our opening hours, contact us for an appointment.

Valuation in your home

We are happy to come to your home for a personal meeting where we value individual items or an entire home before a possible sale. If you want to book a valuer for home visits, contact us directly here.

If you want a written valuation in connection with estate registration, succession or insurance case, we are happy to help you with that. When decommissioning a home, there may also be objects that in some cases have no economic value. We would like to help you with a complete solution and have several partners who assist with emptying and cleaning. Please contact us to discuss which solution suits you best.

Online valuation

You can easily get your item valued by filling out our valuation form and attaching pictures. We will get back to you as soon as possible. To go directly to the valuation form, press here.

Video call

Would you rather we help you via a video call? Contact us and we will agree on a time. You reach us at 011-470 92 00 or by mail info@olsensauktioner.se

Become a customer now

To be able to participate in the auctions, you need to create a user account. If you want to create an account, you can do it right away here.


Olséns Auktioner

Linnégatan 21

602 23 Norrköping 

011 - 470 92 00


Opening hours

Monday 12.30 - 17.00 CET
Tuesday 12.30 - 17.00 CET
Wednesday 12.30 - 18.00 CET
Thursday 12.30 - 17.00 CET
Friday 11.00 - 15.00 CET
Last saturday every month 11.00 - 14.00 CET
Day before holiday closing 15.00 CET
CLOSED 27th - 30th december

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